Works by Nirmala Dutt
As an artist, Nim allowed her work to shift according to the influences of the present moment, instead of forcing the moment to fit her own narrative. As such, the works on this site have been clustered according to formative moments in her life and reflect her concerns at that specific time.

Your Beautiful Home
1973 – 1999
During this period, Nim produced her “Pernyataan” (Statement) pieces documenting the human and environmental cost of the country’s hunger for rapid development. In the late 90s, she created her Great Leap Forward series, which critiqued Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed’s strategy of rapid modernisation in Malaysia.
Tsunami 2004–2005
2004 – 2006
In 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami wreaked havoc across the region. The series, “Tsunami 2004–2005”, emerged from the endless hours Nim spent watching news reports of homes destroyed and families stranded, interspersed with accounts of the immense heights of human compassion.