After Sengai
2009 – 2013
After suffering a stroke, Nim's works became quieter and more subdued. She found solace in God and her faith, achieving a zen-like understanding and acceptance of her own mortality. Her flower works utilise the colour white more frequently, conveying a peacefulness after the tumult of Tsunami, but still with the occasional bursts of colour that reflect the brilliancy and strength that characterised Nim's entire life.

2013 Acrylic on canvas 91 × 76.5 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

2009 Acrylic on canvas 122 × 152 cm

c. 2009 Acrylic on canvas 83 × 77 cm