Your Beautiful Home
1973 – 1999
In 1973, Nim's piece, Statement I (1973) won a Major Award in the National Art Gallery’s Man and His World competition, making it among the first installation artworks to ever win a major art prize in Malaysia. Statement I formed part of an ongoing series of “Pernyataan” (Statement) pieces documenting the human and environmental cost of the country’s hunger for rapid development. In the late 90s, she created her Great Leap Forward series, borrowing the title from Mao Zedong’s brutal agricultural re-structuring plan for China to critique Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed’s own destructive strategy of rapid modernisation in Malaysia.

1974–79 Photographic documentation 125 × 80 cm

(Impressions of Life in Squatter Areas) 1975 Photographic essay 90 × 80 cm

(Impressions of Life in Squatter Areas) 1975 Photographic essay 90 × 80 cm

1975 Photographic essay 127 × 105 cm

1975 Photographic essay 125.5 × 80 cm

1978–79 Photographic essay 125.5 × 80 cm

1979 Photographs and stickers on board 122 × 122 cm

1979 Stickers on board 122 × 91 cm

Third Series of Documentations 1979 Ink, acrylic, and photographs on board 121.5 × 91.5 cm

c. 1975 Photographic essay 64 × 53 cm

1975 Collage and acrylic on board 76.5 × 61 cm Collection of National Gallery Singapore

1983 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 206 cm

1981 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 122 cm Collection of National Gallery Singapore

1984 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 206 cm

(Petruk Becomes King) 1988 Acrylic on canvas 82 × 61 cm

1989 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 91.5 × 81 cm

c. 1989 Acrylic and collage on canvas 122 × 91 cm

... Nanti Ditimpa Balak 1989 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 92 cm

... Nanti Ditimpa Balak – Rumbia 1990 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 92 cm

1997 Digital print 59.5 × 42 cm

1998 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 102 × 91.5 cm

1998 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 102 × 92 cm

1998 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 102 × 98 cm

1998 Acrylic on canvas 102 × 91.5 cm

1998–99 Acrylic on jute 102 × 92 cm

1998–99 Acrylic on jute 102 × 92 cm

1999 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 102 × 91.5 cm

1999 Acrylic on canvas 102 × 92 cm

c. 1998–1999 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 122 × 91.5 cm

1999 Acrylic and silkscreen on canvas 102 × 61 cm